
UV disinfect tunnels is fast efficient for food and packaging


https://enfound.en.taiwantrade.com/product/tunnel-conveyor-belt-and-cover-uv-disinfection-systems-for-surface-of-food-container-package-1867362.html紫外線殺菌隧道提供了一種快速,高效的方法來消毒食品,包裝材料. 無需加熱,不需要添加劑或不留 殘留物,並且在很短的時間內完成。
當物品進入隧道式紫外線消毒系統隧道,輸送機控制適當的暴露時間以確保完全消毒,然後物品準備好 收集在另一端的清潔環境中。

紫外線消毒隧道內箱為不銹鋼板,能將紫外光透過反射、 折射. 經過的產品從內側用UVC燈 從各個側面 照射 產品通過殺菌,可以大大提高高達90%的紫外線利用率。 UV隧道的容量和尺寸取決於應用,可根據您的特定應用進行調整修改。

1. 無需化學品,高效的紫外線消毒處理. 延長保質期。
2. 操作溫度低;用於耐熱性低的物體。
3. 快速處理時間和低功耗,高效,經濟的運行,低廉的電力成本。
4. 易於安裝,處理,清潔和維護,操作簡單,清潔方便。
5. 隧道內箱不銹鋼結構安全防護:UV-C紫外線被金屬外殼屏蔽,阻止 UV-C 波長通過。
6. 依食品的需求調整不同照射時間。
7. 可依現有輸送機將設計搭配成外罩式(cover)紫外線消毒設備。

 1. 工業消毒,用於食品。即食產品
2. 香料,乾果
3. 水果,蔬菜,包裝肉類,穀物,麵包。 蛋,。 海鮮,調料......
4. 洗滌後的 運輸箱和板條箱
5. 填充前的 罐頭,瓶子,杯子,蓋子

Ultraviolet sterilization tunnels provide a fast and efficient way to disinfect food and packaging materials. No heating, no additives or no residue, and completed in a short period of time. When the item enters the tunnel of the tunnel UV disinfection system, the conveyor controls the appropriate exposure time to ensure complete disinfection, and then the item is ready to be collected in a clean environment at the other end.

The UV disinfection tunnel inner box is made of stainless steel, which can transmit ultraviolet light through reflection and refraction. The passing products are irradiated from the inside by UVC lamps. The products can be greatly improved by up to 90%.

The capacity and size of the UV tunnel depends on the application and can be adapted to your specific application



1. No need for chemicals, efficient UV disinfection. Extend shelf life.

2. Low operating temperature; for objects with low heat resistance.

3. Fast processing time and low power consumption, efficient, economical operation, and low power cost.

4. Easy to install, handle, clean and maintain, easy to operate and easy to clean.

5. Safety protection of the stainless steel structure inside the tunnel: UV-C ultraviolet light is shielded by the

metal casing to prevent the UV-C wavelength from passing.

6. Adjust the different exposure times according to the needs of the food.

7. The design can be combined with a cover UV disinfection device according to the existing conveyor.


1. industry disinfection , for food

2. Spices ,Dried fruit

3. Fruits, vegetables, packed meat, grains, bread. Egg,. Seafood, seasoning…

4. Transportation boxes and crates after washing

5. cans, bottles, cups, lids before filling




